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Personal Loans

Get The Money You Need For The Life You Want.

Personal Loans from Prospect Bank help you take control of your finances and build the life you want, with loans tailored specifically for your needs.

A personal loan can do a lot for you. It can help you take control of your finances, pay for a new car, consolidate debt, and even use your home’s equity to fund a project.

We’ll help you build the life you want to have with loans that are tailored specifically to your needs.

Consumer Loan

This Loan Is Best For You If: You want a loan for any one-time financing need, such as an unplanned expense.

With a fixed interest rate and fixed monthly payments, a low interest personal loan is designed to be the best choice for your one-time financing needs. It makes it easier for you to put your financial plan in action safely, whether you’re funding a special purchase or covering an unexpected expense.

*Subject to credit approval.

What You Need to Apply:

  • Social Security number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current street address
  • Unexpired government-issued photo ID



Auto Loan

This Loan Is Best For You If: You’re buying a new car or refinancing your current car loan, and want the best-possible rate.

If you’re purchasing a car, we could be your best option. Our auto loans will make the process of paying off your vehicle purchase painless. Whether you’re buying a new or used car or want to refinance the car you already have, we can help you choose the loan option that’s best for your situation.

*Subject to credit approval.



What You Need to Apply:

  • Social Security number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current street address
  • Unexpired government-issued photo ID
  • Vehicle title
Home Equity Line of Credit

This Loan Is Best For You If: You want to use the equity in your home to fund a project, a wedding, a vacation, or practically any other large expense.

This Loan Is Best For You If: You want to use the equity in your home to fund a project, a wedding, a vacation, or practically any other large expense.

*Subject to credit approval.

What You Need to Apply:

  • Social Security number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current street address
  • Unexpired government-issued photo ID