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Prospect Bank

177 West Wood Street

Paris, IL 61944

Tiffany Taber | Chief Operations Officer

Born and raised in Watseka, IL, Brittany is proud to be a community banker assisting familiar faces with their financials needs. She has been in the banking industry for 18 years, 13 of which have been with Prospect Bank and is currently the Chief Deposit Officer. She monitors the competitiveness of the bank’s rates and evaluates retail and commercial deposit products and services. Brittnay is active with bank projects and product development and implementation. She received a BS in Business Management and Accounting from Illinois State University in 2006. She is happily married to her husband and has two children. Brittany is the School Board President for Iroquois County Unit 9 school district, is actively involved with the St. Edmunds Catholic Church and volunteers as a leader of her children’s 4H club.

Tiffany Taber

Chief Operations Officer

Email: ttaber@bankprospect.com

Office: 217.465.4154 Ext. 271

Address: 177 W Wood Street

Paris, IL 61944

Contact Tiffany today.